ATLANTA, GEORGIA • (770) 557-5798

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Building Great Teams Is Not Easy

Growing A Great TeamSimply stated, team building is a process that results in a group of employees successfully working together as a unit, accomplishing more as a team than they could alone. How sweet this is when it happens!

But not all teams get along. Members can easily slip into “power’ and “rights” contests to get their way. Neither approach works because both are adversarial. Someone wins someone loses. This never results in friendship. Just because a battle has been won does not mean the war is over.

A smart manager or team leader avoids power and rights contents and focuses on interest reconciliation. This is when all members of the team are humble enough, to consider not only their own interests, but also the interests of others. It’s when they are confident enough in themselves and their abilities to praise the skill and contributions of others.

As sure as pride/ego will destroy teams, this kind of courageous humility is a key element in team success.

Here are a few results of selflessness:

• All team members are viewed as valuable

• Greater collaboration

• Consensus more easily gained

• Trust is built

• Conflict is reduced

• Encourages listening

• Friendships are formed

Interested in developing conflict competent teams? Call Today’s Chaplain @ 770-557-5798